25/26 P.1 Admission Form 小一入學申請表

25/26 P.1 Admission Form 小一入學申請表

Please prepare the applicant's photo, scanned copy of transaction slip (in .jpg format) and relevant additional information (in .pdf format) before proceeding the online application.
請先預備申請者相片、入數紙(以 jpg 格式)及相關文件(以 pdf 格式)。
Enquiry tel. no./email 查詢電話/電郵: 852-23966675 / enquiry@smcesps.edu.hk

Payment for P.1 Admission 小一報名付款
Please deposit HK$100 to Hang Seng Bank 762-003382-005 請存港幣100元入恒生銀行 762-003382-005

Attention 注意:
Please make sure you can provide all the information. You cannot temporarily save the form and resume later.
It is highly recommended to use Google Chrome (Browser) to fill in this form.
請使用 Google Chrome (瀏覽器) 填寫此表格。
It is better not to use a smartphone to fill in this form. 請不要用智能電話填寫此表格。
After completion, you will see "Success! Your submission has been saved!" and receive an email as an acknowledgement.